The final project for ARTC 1302 Digital Imaging evaluated my understanding of graphic design principles and Adobe Photoshop software knowledge presented in each exercise throughout the course. I decided to create a movie poster using Mixing 3D Elements and Photography to Create a Vibrant and Playful Photomontage tutorial to create the base image of the project. I extracted the model from the original image to use in the PSD file.
The background layer has a Fuji REALA 500D Kodak 2393 color lookup adjustment, a hue/saturation adjustment, and curves adjustment. These adjustments gave the background image a complimentary color palate to the rest of the elements of the image.
The model layer has a curve adjustment to lower the brightness of the colors. I extracted a copy of the lips of the model and created linear burn layer to enhance the color of the lips. I then added a color burn layer of the lips to reduce the shine on the lips. Finally, I used a hue layer to give the lips a pink color that complements the colors of the spheres.
Once I had the images complete I decided to come up with a ridiculous movie title that fit the final image. The image made me think about a movie from my childhood Killer Klowns from Outerspace. This was the basis for the movie title. This has a spoof genre feel so the choice of Kevin Smith as director and Anna Faris and Nathan Fillion as stars seemed appropriate. The text effects include bevel & emboss, satin, drop shadow, and stoke.
The first image is the final product of the tutorial. The second is the background image i chose to use. The third is the stock image of the model I chose for the project. The last is the final product.