Dallas College Pathways to Supervision Success
As a Learning Experience Designer, my efforts designed, developed, and launched the Pathways to Supervision Success training programĀ at Dallas College.
Pathways to Supervision Success is an introductory training for all levels of supervisors at Dallas College. The goal of Learning and Development at Dallas College is to create and support a culture of learning. This program is a result of that goal to ensure supervisors are aware of the processes in place to support supervisors and help them be successful in their role.
The first step in our process was to name the training. This was difficult because many people kept referring to this as leadership training. The goal of this training is not to develop leaders, but to inform supervisors that are already in a leadership position of the processes of a supervisory position with the college. To ensure this did not morph into a leadership training we had to actively avoid leadership terms. The word association phase of the process had our team brainstorm various names for supervisors. Then we started listing possible names for the program. Finally we listed antonyms or negative words associated with supervisor and employees. Through this exercise we were able to agree on the name Pathways to Supervision Success. This name gave room to grow if the institution decided to use this training as a foundational course and build to more advanced training for supervisors.
Working with various subject matter experts I was able to curate their content into a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation that would be the foundation for a six hour training session. The presentation theme was designed utilizing the brand colors, logo, geometric shapes, and various stock photos. The presentation was designed for three presenters alternating throughout the day to allow for a variety of topics and presentation delivery.
This training is now a key component that will be adapted for a new program at Dallas College that is being developed called Leadership at All Levels. More to come on that once development is complete.
Photos From Various Sessions

Presentation Slides